Choose the locaTiOn of your next adventure
Adventure Park Korkee is located in two places in Helsinki. Have a look at both of them and remember that while both parks may look similar, they have different tracks and challenges!
About Korkee
Adventure Park Korkee is the first of its kind in the metropolitan Helsinki region. Our first park opened in 2014 in Mustikkamaa and the second opened in Paloheinä in 2017. Remember to visit both parks as the have slightly different kinds of exciting challenges in them.
Choose your Experience
Our ropes courses start from 1 meter above the ground and end up at most 15 meters high! There is also geocaching, forest yoga and much more! Look below for more information about each activity
Korkee adventure
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WhAt Our cusTomers say
Obiviously we think we are fantastic, but you don’t need to believe us. Below you can find some incredible people who’ve said some nice words about us. Naturally, we’d love you to be the next one to leave a review!
Henkilökunta vaan näytti kovin tylsistyneeltä. Ohjeet käytiin läpi niin pikavauhtia, että puolet meni lapsilta ohi. Ohjaajat istuivat keskenään katoksen alla ja jutteli, vaikka radoilla olisi kaivattu apua. Joitain ohjeita he huutelivat sieltä katoksen alta, mutta eivät viitsineet lähestyä asiakkaita.