Korkee latvarata Jr courses are set 3 – 5 meters above the ground.
The courses are easier have varying difficulty, starting from easy and going to challenging. Latvaradat provide challenges to all kinds of adventurers. Latvarata Jr courses are easy, and suitable for beginners and families. Latvarata Jr can be found in Paloheinä.
- Age limit: >7 years (adventurers less than 10 years need to be accompanied with an adult on the tracks)
- Height: >110 cm
- Weight: <130 kg
- Duration: 2-3 h
- Safety system: Smart Belay system
- Difficulty: easy / moderate
- Longest zipline >70 meters
- One adult can supervise five adventurers on the courses
- Adventurers’ equipment: safety harness, helmet, and Smart Belay safety device
Who this is for?
- Latvarata Jr is suitable for beginners, younger adventurers and those who don't want to go to the higher tracks
- Latvarata Jr can be found only in Paloheinä
- There’s plenty of seating for parents and adventurers along the tracks
- An adult can walk along the tracks along a path on the ground
- The tracks are approximately 3-5 meters above the ground
- Over 20 different challenges and ziplines on three different tracks